LETROZONE 2.5: Uses, Dosage,Composition and More..

Apr 25, 2024


Letrozole (2.5mg)

LETROZONE 2.5, commonly known as Letrozole 2.5mg, is a highly effective medication primarily used in the treatment of hormone receptor-positive breast cancer in postmenopausal women. Its role extends to fertility treatments, showcasing its versatility in medical applications.

Understanding LETROZONE 2.5
Letrozole, the active ingredient in LETROZONE 2.5, belongs to the class of drugs known as aromatase inhibitors. It works by reducing estrogen levels, which can help decrease the growth of certain types of breast tumors that need estrogen to grow.

Uses of LETROZONE 2.5

Breast Cancer Treatment: It is most commonly prescribed for postmenopausal women as a first-line treatment for hormone-dependent breast cancer.
Fertility Aid: LETROZONE 2.5 is also used off-label to induce ovulation in women struggling with fertility issues due to anovulation or polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS).

Reduced Recurrence: Helps lower the risk of breast cancer returning.
Increased Effectiveness: Often used when other treatments have not been successful.
Fertility Improvement: Enhances the chances of ovulation, aiding women in becoming pregnant.
Possible Side Effects
Common side effects include hot flashes, fatigue, joint pain, and night sweats. Less common but more severe side effects can include bone thinning and cholesterol changes.

Price Overview
LETROZONE 2.5 is generally cost-effective, especially when compared to other cancer treatments. Prices may vary based on location and insurance coverage.

LETROZONE 2.5 offers significant benefits for managing hormone receptor-positive breast cancer and aiding fertility in women. Its effectiveness and relatively low side-effect profile make it a valuable option in these areas.A team of highly skilled professionals in the pharmaceutical field established Steris Healthcare Pvt Ltd in February 2018. Sterispharma is a certified pharmaceutical company by WHO, GMP, and ISO, situated in Navi Mumbai. It is dedicated to delivering high-quality medications at competitive prices to customers across India, adhering to WHO's stringent standards. Through Steris's online pharmacy, customers can conveniently purchase medicines and receive home delivery. Our primary objective at Steris is to offer a comprehensive range of healthcare products to fulfill the diverse requirements of the healthcare industry. Steris is committed to meeting the healthcare sector's demands, whether it's specialized treatments, medications for rare diseases, or essential pharmaceuticals. The range of Steris healthcare products caters to various medical needs, including Cardiology, Asthma, Respiratory, Nasal, Diabetes, Endocrinology, Gastrology, Orthopedics, Anti-infective/antibiotics, General Medicine, Urology, Neurology, Nephrology, Oncology, Gynecology, Pediatrics, Dental, and Dermatology. 

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