Minoxidil Solution (5%)

May 04, 2023

Minoxidil Solution (5%) 
MINOXIHAIR is a medication used to treat hair loss, particularly male and female pattern baldness. 
MINOXIHAIR works by widening blood vessels in the scalp, which increases blood flow to hair follicles and promotes hair growth. It is not entirely clear how it does this, but it may stimulate the hair follicles to move from the resting phase to the growth phase.
MINOXIHAIR is applied topically to the scalp, usually twice a day. MINOXIHAIR should be applied directly to the area of hair loss and not on other parts of the scalp. MINOXIHAIR solution should be allowed to dry before using other hair care products.
It is important to note that MINOXIHAIR does not work for everyone, and MINOXIHAIR may take several months before results are seen. Additionally, once treatment is stopped, any hair that has been regrown may eventually be lost again. It is important to continue using MINOXIHAIR medication to maintain any hair growth that has occurred. Side effects may include scalp irritation, itching, and dryness.
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