"Cilostazol 50mg vs. Allopurinol 100mg: Comparison & Uses"

Apr 23, 2024



Cilostazol (50mg)

Cilostazol 50mg is a medication commonly prescribed to improve symptoms of intermittent claudication, a condition characterized by leg pain and cramping due to reduced blood flow. This article explores its uses, benefits, potential side effects, and pricing, providing valuable insights into its role in cardiovascular health.

Uses of Cilostazol 50mg

Cilostazol 50mg is primarily used to treat intermittent claudication, a symptom of peripheral artery disease (PAD) that causes pain or discomfort during physical activity due to reduced blood flow to the legs. It works by widening blood vessels, improving blood flow, and reducing the pain and cramping associated with PAD. Additionally, Cilostazol may be used off-label for other circulatory disorders or conditions as determined by healthcare providers.

Benefits of Cilostazol 50mg

The benefits of Cilostazol 50mg extend beyond symptom relief. By improving blood flow to the legs, it helps individuals with intermittent claudication walk longer distances without experiencing pain or discomfort. This improved exercise capacity can enhance overall mobility and quality of life for those affected by PAD. Additionally, Cilostazol may have antiplatelet effects, reducing the risk of blood clots in certain individuals.

Side Effects to Be Aware Of

While Cilostazol 50mg is generally well-tolerated, it may cause side effects in some individuals. Common side effects include headache, diarrhea, palpitations, dizziness, and nausea. These side effects are usually mild and transient but should be reported to healthcare providers if persistent or bothersome. Rare but serious side effects such as bleeding, allergic reactions, and changes in heart rhythm may occur and require medical attention.

Pricing Information

The pricing of Cilostazol 50mg can vary based on factors such as dosage strength, brand, and pharmacy location. On average, a month's supply of Cilostazol 50mg tablets may range from $30 to $100, depending on these variables and any available discounts or insurance coverage.


In conclusion, Cilostazol 50mg is a valuable medication for improving symptoms of intermittent claudication and enhancing exercise capacity in individuals with PAD. Its efficacy in improving blood flow, coupled with manageable side effects and reasonable pricing, makes it a preferred choice in PAD management. Understanding its uses, benefits, potential side effects, and pricing is essential for informed decision-making and optimal cardiovascular health.

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