Comprehensive Guide to Danazol (200mg) for Effective Treatment

Jul 18, 2024


Danazol (200mg)


Danazol is a synthetic steroid derived from ethisterone, commonly used to treat a variety of medical conditions, particularly those related to hormonal imbalances and reproductive health. This medication, known commercially as DANOZOLIS 200, plays a crucial role in managing endometriosis, fibrocystic breast disease, and hereditary angioedema. Its unique mechanism of action makes it a vital treatment option for individuals suffering from these conditions.


Danazol is primarily prescribed for the treatment of endometriosis, a painful condition where tissue similar to the lining inside the uterus grows outside it, leading to inflammation and pain. By suppressing the pituitary-ovarian axis, Danazol reduces the production of hormones like estrogen and progesterone, which are essential for the growth of endometriotic tissue. This helps alleviate symptoms and prevent further progression of the disease.

Another significant use of Danazol is in the management of fibrocystic breast disease, a benign condition characterized by lumpy, painful breasts. Danazol helps reduce breast pain and tenderness by modulating hormone levels, thereby minimizing the occurrence of cysts and lumps.

Additionally, Danazol is effective in treating hereditary angioedema, a rare genetic disorder that causes recurrent episodes of severe swelling in various body parts, including the face, limbs, and airways. By increasing the levels of C1 inhibitor protein in the blood, Danazol helps prevent these episodes and improve the quality of life for individuals with this condition.


The dosage of Danazol (200mg) varies depending on the condition being treated and the patient's response to the medication. For endometriosis, the typical starting dose is 200mg two to four times daily, which may be adjusted based on the severity of symptoms and the patient's tolerance. Treatment usually lasts for six to nine months.

In the case of fibrocystic breast disease, the recommended dosage ranges from 100mg to 400mg daily, divided into two doses. Treatment duration can vary but generally continues until symptoms improve.

For hereditary angioedema, the initial dose is usually 200mg two to three times a day, which may be reduced once the condition is under control. Long-term maintenance therapy might be necessary to prevent recurrence.

Side Effects

Like all medications, Danazol can cause side effects. Common side effects include weight gain, acne, and oily skin. Some patients may experience changes in menstrual patterns, such as irregular periods or amenorrhea. Mood changes, including depression and anxiety, can also occur.

More serious side effects, though rare, include liver dysfunction, characterized by jaundice, dark urine, and abdominal pain. Patients may also experience virilization symptoms, such as deepening of the voice and increased body hair growth. It's essential to monitor for these side effects and consult a healthcare provider if any severe or persistent symptoms arise.


The cost of Danazol (200mg) can vary depending on the brand and the pharmacy. On average, a month's supply of DANOZOLIS 200 typically ranges from ₹1,500 to ₹2,500 in India. It's advisable to compare prices at different pharmacies and consider generic versions to find the most cost-effective option.


Danazol (200mg), marketed as DANOZOLIS 200, is a powerful medication used to treat conditions like endometriosis, fibrocystic breast disease, and hereditary angioedema. By effectively modulating hormone levels, it alleviates symptoms and improves the quality of life for many patients. While it can cause side effects, careful monitoring and adherence to prescribed dosages can help manage these risks. Always consult a healthcare provider before starting or adjusting Danazol therapy to ensure it is the right treatment for your condition. Steris Healthcare Pvt Ltd, founded by a group of expert professionals in the pharmaceutical industry in February 2018, operates as Sterispharma. Based in Navi Mumbai, the company holds certifications from WHO, GMP, and ISO, underscoring its commitment to quality and safety. Sterispharma is dedicated to providing high-quality drugs at affordable prices across India, strictly adhering to WHO guidelines. Sterispharma offers the convenience of an online pharmacy, enabling customers to easily purchase medicines and benefit from home delivery. The company's mission is to supply a wide array of healthcare products to meet the diverse needs of the medical community. Whether it's advanced treatments, medications for rare conditions, or essential health necessities, Sterispharma strives to serve the broad demands of the healthcare industry. If you need medicine then you can order it on these two websites sterisonline and sterispharma  Order Now Sterispharma's extensive product lineup includes treatments for various health areas such as Cardiology, Asthma, Respiratory Issues, Nasal Conditions, Diabetes, Endocrinology, Gastroenterology, Orthopedics, Anti-infectives/Antibiotics, General Medicine, Urology, Neurology, Nephrology, Oncology, Gynecology, Pediatrics, Dental Care, and Dermatology.

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